Paige E on 01 April 2021

How amazing is it that the weather changes your whole mood and outlook on life. It lifts the worry of having to put money on your gas and electric because you can spend it outside. You can potter round the garden tidying it up ready for the proper sunshine. We haven’t been lucky enough to get the weather that England has but we never do. We had 14 degrees but in Northern Ireland that’s tropical lol. I got burnt sitting out for two hours but I was nearly see through it’s been so long since we’ve seen that ball in the sky. It also makes you want to eat better. Had to have a rummage in the wardrobe but nothing from last year fits me. Lockdown has not been kind to my waistline. I have been eating rubbish instead of being the cook a lot of other people have. Unfortunately we are expecting snow tomorrow. Hope you all have a happy Easter guys and speak to you soon.

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