Victoria B on 15 December 2020
Q. Are you getting help with accessing food?

We had access too food bank early in the year, but the mouldy bread makes me reluctant to use that service again. However, our local community center, where my kids would normally go for youth club, have been sending out weekly bags of crafts and fruits for the kids, sometimes with baking activity ingredients and the odd food item (bread, often out of date but still use able if creative, lots of bread n butter pudding lately lol). The fruit has been a big help especially, fruit is a luxury these days. My kids ask for strawberries or blueberries or Mellon more than sweets or pop. So to get apples, sometimes Mellon or bananas and oranges in these bags has been nice for the kiddies. They also sometimes include veggies like carrots or broccoli, which my kiddies downright refuse to eat, so I've been sharing them with our neighbour who's kid is too young for the youth club. Tomorrow is their delivery day, I'm gonna ask if they can spare any items for neighbour. We're extremely lucky.

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